In 1978 an advertisements for "Piumini Danesi" carried the headline “people can be judged from how they sleep".
Today the climate clock is running faster and faster. Recently we have all found ourselves in weather conditions that have frightened us and made us think about what is happening out there....... but when we take the comfortable eye flaps away and also take off the soft ear props we are actually bombarded with answers.
Everyone has happened to come across images of real plastic islands that ruin the surrounding environment, damaging those who live there. One can only be sorry for a wonderful world, which we are destroying with our own hands, with absurd decisions taken every day, almost without realizing it. We must change and change fast to try to slow down an inexorable decline towards which our planet is traveling.
Indeed we should and must preserve the place we live in. There is only one possible way: to change our habits as soon as possible. A point on which "Piumini Danesi" for forty-five years has
beseeched. The company has always worked in respect of the environment and in the protection of everything that concerns it, instilling the utmost commitment in safeguarding the planet from pollution.
"Piumini Danesi" did not scruple in pronouncing a series of clear "No!": to the "disposable" policy, to production without controls, excessive plastic packaging and to "low cost" production in third countries, which simply moved the damage done. The only "yes" proudly affirmed, and from the very beginning, has been to quality products, which last over the years, as many customers can testify.
An attitude also shown when the Italian weaving industry, famous and appreciated globally, was confined to the other side of the world. “Piumini Danesi” has kept faith with its principles, continuing to buy raw materials from the few remaining textile factories in Biella, Varese, Busto Arsizio and Bergamo. Likewise, the confection has never been moved from the hands of the skilled seamstresses of Sora, Lazio, working with hands, creativity and attentivness as it had always been the norm of the Italian craftmen
Thus, products have continued to be created this way and, once their path has been completed, they won't leave harmful traces, being 100% composed of fibers such as feathers and cotton which are gifts of nature itself. For this reason, forty-two years after that advertisement, the company may conclude that it has not been completely honest only on one aspect: the "Danish duvets" do not last twenty years, but (at least) thirty. Precisely because we care for Earth.